Jumat, 22 Desember 2017

Dear Future Wife!

You are going to be that special someone whom I will never lose in life.
You are going to be that special someone with whom I’m going to smile.
You are to be that special someone with whom I’m going to laugh.
You are going to be that someone with whom I’m going to cry.
Your smile will be mine.
Your laughter will be mine.
Your eyes will be mine.
Your heart will be mine.
Your soul will be mine.
Everything about you will be mine.
I will take you to your favorite movies.
I will take you to your favorite place to go.
I will take you to your favorite park to spend our togetherness.
I will help you with your cooking.
I will help you with your baking.
I will help you with your duty.
I will carry you to the terrace every night to have a romantic dinner conversation together.
I will bring you back to the room and cuddle with you.
I will lie on your lap and fall asleep.
I will give you gifts and blindfold surprises.
I will take you to your parents whenever you feel like.
When you sick, I will look after you just like a mother looking after her child.
When I will come back to work, I will come with your favorite ice cream and chocolates.
When I fight with you, remember that I will love you no matter what.
I will sing for you even I have a bad voice.
I will dance for you.
I will tell my daughter that she has the prettiest mother in the world.
We will have a small house, a car, and little garden.
You will not only be my wife but my friend, my girlfriend, my heaven, my second mother, my better half forever.
Hold my hands and close your eyes. Walk with me and I will never let you down baby.
Uhibbuki mitsla mâ ante, Uhibbuki kaifamâ kunteee

Wa mahmâ kâna  mahma shâra, Anti habîbatî anteee

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